New Year Resolutions for Craft Beer Drinkers

Start a beer journal

There is no better way to keep track of the beer you've tried, while also fine tuning your palate. 

Visit at least one new brewery a month.

With the craft industry growing as quickly as it is, this should be a tangible goal. Most likely are 12 breweries in Colorado you've never visited to this date. To locate CO breweries, here is a map

Introduce a non-beer drinker find their craft beer of choice.

Most people who say they do not like beer, just haven't tried the type of craft beer they like. Help be the matchmaker and introduce a non-craft beer drinker to something they may discover they love. 

Host a bottle share.

This is a great resolution for beer hoarders, which many of us are guilty of. Most beer is bottle for immediate enjoyment, but its so tempting to hold on to a bottle that is special but never finding an occasion worthy of opening it. So make the occasion happen by hosting a bottle share. Beer is always enjoyed more when you have people to enjoy it with you. 

Plan a trip to a brewery you’ve been wanting to visit.

Not that you need an excuse to travel, but sometimes it helps for motivation. Whether its a brewery in Belgium, or a brewery a day long drive away, take the time off from work and vacate to a brewery you've wanted to visit.

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